Business English

“Quality, Customer Experience & Trust”, In conversation with Taral Shah, the man behind Gujarat’s most progressive Real-Estate Group, ‘Shivalik’

Q – When did you find the real estate businessman in you?

A – The thought that attracted me to this industry comes way back from me observing my father. His belief was strongly in investing/upgrading houses every 5 years before he set his foot in this industry. This provoked an idea into my mind that this is the only industry that will yearn for my profit in a longer duration.

Q – 3 key things that have made Shivalik, the biggest real estate brand?

A – Quality, Customer Service & experiences, Trust

Q – Your life mantra?

A – Do the business that makes you successful and that you love and not the other way around.

Q – A tip for young budding builders?

A – Remember, whatever we are today is because of the faith that our customers have put into us. For guaranteed success in the real estate industry, always think from their perspective and when making changes concerned to their lifestyle, put yourselves in their shoes.

Q – How do you see real estate business in the future?

A – I have high hopes for real estate and infrastructure not just in Gujarat but in the whole country. “What India has done in the last 4 decades, We have to do in the next 10 years”

Q – What are your future plans?

A – I am working towards to create the best eco system with backward and forward integration of real estate and infrastructure.